A great big welcome to George Logan, our Trinity College London examiner for the May session of exams and diplomas.
Born and educated initially in Northern Ireland, George gained a degree in English Language and Literature at Trinity College, Dublin. Subsequently, he completed teacher training at the University of Lancaster and, in due course, gained additional degrees in psychology and in educational management.
He was inspired to take up specialist training in speech and drama through the early experience of the festival movement. After some years of teaching and a period as headteacher of an independent school, he was, from late 1994 to July 2015, extensively involved in the national school inspection program, leading primary sector inspections across the country, and regulation and compliance inspections in the independent sector in both primary and secondary phases.
George was an examiner in Speech and Drama for the Guildhall School from 1989 until the amalgamation with Trinity College in 2004. He was also a member of the examining panel for the Poetry Society, later the Central School. A member of the British Federation of Festivals since 1983, he adjudicates throughout the British Isles and abroad, as time allows. He has recently completed examination tours in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and India.
Since 2017 he has been accredited to lead school evaluation visits, on behalf of the Ministry of Education in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, and for the Abu Dhabi Education Council.
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