
Workshops in the Performing Arts (Drama, Dance, Singing)

Masquerade offers a number of performing arts workshops to visiting schools (open to children aged 5-15 yrs.), companies and other groups. These workshops may be tailored to the requests of the client.

"You can count us in for next year. We had very good feedback from the students, saying that they enjoyed the workshops. Highly recommended! Keep up the good work!” - Stella Maris College

“The children had a lot of fun and still mention the outing at school. The ‘fun’ factor is key and the children need more lessons like these!!” – St. Joseph Sliema

“The students learnt new skills which made them gain confidence and work in teams.” – St. Joseph Sliema

“They wanted activities to be longer they had so much fun.” – St. Joseph Sliema

“The sessions were helpful to boost the children’s self-confidence.” – B’Kara Primary

“It shows them that everyone is talented and one must improve in the area s/he like best.” – Mosta Primary

“They gained group communication skills which are very important.” – Mosta Primary

“The sessions were useful indeed. The students gained knowledge on the 3 areas – Dancing, Singing, Acting.” – Mosta Primary

Master Classes

Masquerade offers a number of specialised master classes in Stage Acting, Film Acting, Voice, Music and other areas of the theatre. Masquerade regularly invites expert practitioners to give the classes to a limited number of students.

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Oscar Zammit Street, Msida MSD1280, Malta

Office Number

(+356) 2124 6619

School Number

(+356) 2124 6644